Renewal leaders and the pursuit of justice

Renewal leaders leaders from a majority culture have a unique responsibility to help their congregations pursue a more just society. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “A Church that has lost its voice for justice is …

How to reengage your congregation

After a season of staying-at-home most renewal leaders are asking, “How will we return to in-person worship?”  Behind this question is a more important question, “How will we reengage our congregation in life together?”  In …

What to do when resources diminish

One of the challenges created by the Coronavirus is the loss of anticipated income for ministry and mission.  A recent survey conducted by Vibrant Congregations and the Center for Church Renewal discovered that three quarters …

How to keep getting better

At the beginning of the Coronavirus, churches faced a steep learning curve.  In a few days they had to learn how to worship on line, how to stay connected with members, how to adjust budgets …

How to increase you ministry impact

During Covid-19 renewal leaders are attempting to increase ministry impact for every Kingdom investment being made.  During these times, as in all times, a helpful guiding principle is “the sharper the focus the greater the …

Thoughts About Preaching Online

Thoughts About Preaching Online

Because of Covid-19 most pastors are preaching on-line.  There are several things a biblical communicator should consider if they want to optimize the impact of internet preaching. Here are 7 important considerations to improve on-line …

What Will Last?

This week I heard of a college professor who wondered whether this semester’s on-line instruction will forever reshape higher education by drawing multiple students away from expensive on-campus learning.  He pondered how this may reshape …