Renewal and Resurrection Hope

“It’s Friday But Sunday’s Comin!”  is the title of one of my favorite messages preached years ago by social justice advocate, Tony Campolo.  During Holy Week 2021 I’m again reminded, as his message pointed out, …

How To Increase Imagination in Ministry

Someone once said that churches fail for lack of nerve.  In other words, churches fail for the lack of courage to change failing things. This is true, but I’d add that churches also fail for …

Renewal and Becoming a Better Leader

Church renewal depends on good leaders.  As I’ve highlighted previously, “As leaders go, so goes the church.” It’s revealing that every time God makes a major redemptive move, he raises up a leader.  In this …

Renewal And NextGen Ministry

Renewal congregations have a short list of things they do well.   That short list should include next generation student ministries.  This is particularly important given that according to a Pinetops Foundation report, 1 million young …

Renewal and Lived Theology

Renewal pastors in the Reformed/Presbyterian tradition are part of a community that loves declared theology. Declared theology gives expression to deeply held beliefs then covenants to live within the confines of those shared beliefs and …

Renewal Culture

At the Center for Church Renewal, we often highlight that “culture eats strategy for lunch” (a similar statement was first coined by Peter Drucker).  In other words, shared values are more important than shared plans.  …

Renewal: From Lake To River

I’m constantly searching for new ways to illustrate what church renewal is like in a rapidly changing world.  Recently, I started pondering the idea of paddling a lake vs. paddling a river as a helpful …

Renewal and Unity

In President Biden’s inaugural address, he declared, “My whole soul is in this: Bringing America together, uniting our people. and uniting our nation. I ask every American to join me in this cause.” This call …

Engaging Gifted People in Renewal

Many renewal congregations have an abundance of talented people who are not engaged in ministry.  This is a classic example of churches not living up to their full redemptive potential.  Almost every congregation is filled …

Renewal Resolutions for 2021

The beginning of a new year provides renewal leaders an opportunity to think strategically about investments for the coming year.  This is particularly important given the anticipated emergence from a season of extraordinary challenge for …