shaping clay

Shaping Culture Through Axioms

In church revitalization healthy culture is more important than good strategy. As someone has rightly pointed out, “culture eats strategy for lunch.” But how do leaders shape a congregation’s culture? One important tool is employing …

room of empty chairs

Staying Connected With Sporadic Attenders

Self-identified North American church goers attend church, on average, just once per month. Thankfully attendance among CRC and RCA members has greater regularity.  Still, it is not uncommon that on any given Sunday fewer than …

hands holding a light bulb

The Gracious Act of Involvement

In his book Leadership Jazz, Max DePree writes “Clergy often see delegation as a shirking of their duty rather than a gracious act of involvement.” Many pastors believe they must do all the preaching, all the …

staff meeting at table

Maximizing Staff Impact

Not long ago congregations of several hundred often had the pastor as their church’s sole employee. Today even small congregations are known to employ part-time staff in areas such as administration, youth, worship, outreach, children’s ministry, …

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Deacons and Church Renewal

Most churches experiencing church-wide renewal also experience renewal among their deacons. Deacons in renewal congregations embrace a fresh vision for their essential calling. They move away from financial management, administration and governance and toward stewardship, mercy and …

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Developing Trust With Your Team

“Leading is easy…you just need to be given some authority and a task. Leadership, on the other hand, is hard because leadership requires trusting relationships.” Creating these trusting relationships can be difficult says Lt. Gen. …

people holding hands in prayer

The Ideal Team Player

What characteristics should new team members possess? As churches start new programs, hire new staff, or elect persons to leadership positions this question is important to ask. Here Are 3 Essential Virtues for Ideal Team Players …