Written by Keith Doornbos
January 28, 2025

What Leads To Renewal In 2025

Identifying seven types of churches that are most likely to experience renewal in 2025.

In the last two Fresh Ideas newsletters, I noted that there have been several major epochs of church renewal but, most importantly, church renewal is a constant fixture in every Spirit-filled, Spirit-led congregation. I also highlighted multiple sparks that ignite renewal in everyday churches.

  • Today I want to identify the types of churches most likely to experience renewal in 2025.
Types of Churches Most Likely to Experience Renewal
Type 1: Prayer-Infused Churches
  • Renewal is as much about capturing Spirit wind as it is about creating new strategies. Throughout Scripture, prayer precedes almost every fresh wind of the Spirit. Praying churches are the most likely to engage in the divine-human dance of cooperation.
Type 2: Courageous Churches
  • Renewal demands courage. It takes courage to invest in Spirit-presented opportunities. It takes courage to embrace new practices to replace old and comfortable ways. It takes courage to risk, try, and even fail in the pursuit of a God-preferred future.
Type 3: Spiritually intentional Churches
  • Churches that are serious about faith-formation often experience renewal. Faith formation practices that often usher in renewal include mentorship, small groups, Christian service, accountability towards Christ-like living, and the personal faith practices of daily Scripture and prayer.
Type 4: Righteous Cause Churches
  • Renewal abounds among righteous cause congregations. Whether it is male headship, anti-gay marriage, and a right-leaning worldview or a culture of hospitality, women’s leadership, and a left-leaning worldview — having a “righteous cause” creates fervor.
Type 5: Missionally focused churches
  • When a mission captures a congregation, renewal often follows. This mission could be ministering to the city, reaching the next generation, freeing people from addiction, loving children in the community, or building shelters for the homeless.
Type 6: Defender of the vulnerable churches
  • God’s promise in Isaiah 58 is that when we share our food, shelter poor wanderers, and clothe the naked, our light will break forth as the dawn. There will likely be multiple opportunities to defend the marginalized in this coming year. Doing so will renew many congregations.
Type 7: Globally connected churches
  • Spiritual vitality marks many congregations outside North America. Staying connected to these global faith communities through partnerships, on-site visits, and shared life and prayer will often renew spiritual vitality.

The real power is when several of these types converge in a single congregation. Imagine how renewal might surface where prayer, faith formation, and joining God on mission is a vibrant reality! The Center for Church Renewal is available to come alongside congregations on a renewal journey that can incorporate these and other dynamic principles.

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