Vision is leaky! Aligning a church around a new vision can feel like blowing air into a balloon that has a pinprick in the other end. The work is never done! Discerning a new vision is only …
The Disengagement Crisis At Church
Church renewal efforts thrive in congregations that are highly engaged, enthusiastic, and involved. However, many churches are finding that volunteerism has not returned to pre-COVID levels. Disengagement is high among lay leaders, council members, and staff. …
Those Were The Days
A lifetime ago, there was a show called “All in the Family,” and each episode began with two people at a piano singing a song that longed for a bygone era. Sometimes, the church sounds …
Seven Ways to Get Your Church Unstuck
Resistance to change is one of the most common barriers we face in church renewal. Over time, churches tend to become complacent and stagnant by default. Why? It is human nature to fear the unknown and …
What Initiates Church Renewal?
In last week’s Fresh Ideas newsletter, I noted that there have been several major epochs of church renewal but, most importantly, church renewal is a constant fixture in every Spirit-filled, Spirit-led congregation. At the Center for Church Renewal …
A Look Back At Fresh Ideas From 2024
As we bid farewell to 2024, now is a perfect time to reflect on the church renewal principles we discussed in this newsletter throughout the year. Below are some fresh ideas you might want to revisit …
Great Expectations: The Role of the Council in Church Renewal
What role does the governing board play in your church, and is it the right role? Do your church’s elders and deacons have clarity around expectations? Or does each one have a different idea about what they …
How To Find Fresh Ideas
Have you ever made a copy of a copy? How about a copy of a copy of a copy? Over time, the copies begin looking blurrier and blurrier until you can barely tell what is written on …
How to Reverse a Decline While There Is Still Time
My wife and I are fans of the British Television show “Silent Witness.” The show focuses on the way a person who died under unknown circumstances can tell a story through an autopsy. As we …
Just Ask: The Power of an Invitation
Despite tectonic shifts over the centuries, one of the best ways to grow a church remains the same — the simple act of extending an invitation. According to Thom Rainer’s book, The Unchurched Next Door, 82 …