Michigan winters can be brutal. Some days it never gets above freezing. Worse still, the sun doesn’t come up until after 8:00, and it will remain hidden by clouds most of the day. I have a …
Searching for Silver Bullets
The Lone Ranger shot silver bullets. Those bullets symbolized purity against the corruption of evil. The “silver bullet” has taken on an expanded meaning in our culture. It now symbolizes the perfect answer to our …
The Gravitational Force of Gratitude
Gratitude has a gravitational effect, pulling church renewal efforts along when nothing else seems to work. Earlier, when I wrote about the “Physics of Church Renewal,” I listed several principles church leaders can leverage to get …
Anything but Thankful (Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea)
Have you ever found yourself between the devil and the deep blue sea? The Israelites certainly did, quite literally. A day that should have been filled with celebration at God’s miraculous deliverance from slavery in …
Reaching Out At Christmas Time
There may be 41 days left before Christmas, but today is the perfect time to begin thinking about how to use this season for church renewal and reaching out! Now you might say,” But Bill, …
Church Renewal During the “Great Dechurching” of America
Where did everybody go? If your church’s pews are less full than they were a few decades ago, you are not alone. New research shows that 40 million American adults stopped attending church over the …
Cultivating a Kingdom Outlook in Church Renewal
As I anticipate the gathering of our fourth session in the Church Renewal Lab, I have some insights from Reggie McNeal’s book Kingdom Come percolating in my brain. The fourth session of the Lab spends some time …
The Physics of Church Renewal
Understanding and harnessing the laws of the universe is powerful! Look no further than the highly anticipated movie Oppenheimer, which is centered around the incredible power hidden inside tiny atoms. Similar laws are at work …
Recent Trends in Church Staffing
A high-functioning church staff helps the church accomplish its mission. A key task many church renewal leaders face is hiring, training, and empowering the right people for ministry as employees. The Unstuck Group recently just published a …
Seven Communication Hacks For Church Renewal Leaders
Good communication is at the heart of our work as church renewal leaders. Why? The goal of church renewal is transformation. Transformation requires change. Change requires trust. Trust requires communication. Good communication creates the fertile …