We all long to reverse numerical declines and see our churches grow once again… or do we? I used to assume this was universally true, but recent conversations have convinced me that a discussion is warranted. …
Those Were The Days
A lifetime ago, there was a show called “All in the Family,” and each episode began with two people at a piano singing a song that longed for a bygone era. Sometimes, the church sounds …
Church Renewal: A Historical Perspective
Someone suggested tracing church renewal movements through history to gather important lessons. This is an excellent suggestion. First, a quick note. While revival and church renewal involve spiritual renewal, they are distinct. Revival is a …
A Look Back At Fresh Ideas From 2024
As we bid farewell to 2024, now is a perfect time to reflect on the church renewal principles we discussed in this newsletter throughout the year. Below are some fresh ideas you might want to revisit …
The Big Three and the Hidden One
Over the past five years of working on church renewal projects, I’ve discerned that most congregations face the “Big Three” and the “Hidden One.” Some of us who are older may remember when GM, Ford, …
How To Find Fresh Ideas
Have you ever made a copy of a copy? How about a copy of a copy of a copy? Over time, the copies begin looking blurrier and blurrier until you can barely tell what is written on …
Forming a Strategy for Church Renewal
One aim of church renewal is to help congregations regain a sense of purpose and calling. However, many churches struggle to form and implement a compelling vision for the future. Why do so many churches …
How To Balance Love and Truth
The Gospel of John says Jesus came full of grace and truth (John 1:14), and the apostle Paul urged Christians to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). Even so, many churches today are struggling to …
Pursuing Justice in Church Renewal
Is the world a better place because of Christianity? Increasingly, authors, bloggers, and influencers are saying that religion promotes injustice and violence. They believe that many non-Christians care about the poor and vulnerable more than the Church …
How To Become An Outward-Focused Church
The gravitational pull of churches will always be toward the wants and needs of insiders. It takes intentional effort to keep a church focused on its mission of reaching those outside the faith. At this year’s …
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