Perhaps you’ve heard the expression “go big or go home.” It’s a call to live in a larger than expected way. It’s the sentiment behind God’s command to Joshua: “Be bold and very courageous” (Joshua …
How to meet real needs
Act 2:45 says, “Selling possessions and goods, they gave to anyone who was in need.” This snapshot of the early church celebrates the amazing generosity of a Spirit-filled faith community. The Covid-19 crisis demands a …
How renewal leaders reduce anxiety in anxious times
These are anxious times. The corona virus earthquake hit with an 8.0 magnitude and tsunami sirens are blaring warnings of economic and social destruction that may soon come on shore. Many of our congregants are …
Our Finest Hour
The church’s finest hour has always been her calming, comforting and caring presence when the world around her is in crisis. This is particularly true during times of plagues and pandemics. When the world runs …
The power of stories
If you ask a top athlete how they got into their sport, they’ll typically share an inspiring origin story about their first golf outing with mom, about watching the U.S. Gymnastics team win gold or …
Seasonal Growth
Those who observe living things know that growth happens seasonally. A child, for example, may go months without significant change in height and then, suddenly, they’ll add several inches in a single growth season. The …
Addressing sporadic attendance in church
Most churches are struggling with sporadic attendance. Recent studies suggest the majority of self-identified church goers attend Sunday worship once every 4-5 weeks. The downsides of uneven attendance are many. For example, consistent instruction is …
The unique skill set of revitalization pastors
The skills of established church pastors and church planting pastors are distinct. Established church pastors have skill sets that lean towards pastoral ministry while entrepreneurial skills are of greater importance to church planters. The skills …
5 Holy Spirit wave catching commitments
Revitalization leaders know that catching waves are as important as making plans. Catching a wave is about embracing Holy Spirit opportunities that are consistent with mission. Those opportunities show up in a variety of ways. …
7 investments for creating trust accounts
Church revitalization demands change. Change is essential if churches are to move ever closer to the goal of becoming intentional missional congregations that make more and better disciples. Churches that resist change will inevitably die …