Fresh Starting With Gideon-Sized Congregations

The Gideon story from Judges 6-8 is among the best-loved Old Testament narratives.  After years of Midianite intimidation that has driven Israel into caves, God raises up an unlikely leader to beat back the oppressor.  …

What Next? Renewal Thoughts After the Election

What next?  That was the question my brother Larry [Rev. Larry Doornbos of Vibrant Congregations] and I asked a group of church leaders throughout a post-election debrief.  During the Zoom gathering participants collectively affirmed that …

Reaching our Full Redemptive Potential

The Center for Church Renewal is committed to helping churches live up to their full redemptive potential.  To arrive at that goal, every member must contribute their own time, treasure and talents to the accomplishment …

Finding the Time

Church Renewal takes time. It takes time to pray, listen, learn, imagine, collaborate, coordinate, execute measure and refine. The time challenge has increased with Covid-19’s demands for new skills, new investments and new practices. In …

Red, Yellow and Green-light People

Every church has red, yellow and green light people.  Green-lighters are early adopters who eagerly embrace fresh ideas.  Yellow-lighters will experiment if thoughtful attention has been given to the potential downsides of a proposal.  Red-lighters, …

The Power of Stories to Shape Our Story

If you ask a top athlete how they got into their sport they will typically share an inspiring origin story about their first golf outing with mom, about watching the U.S. Gymnastics team win gold or …

Gospel Renewal in Race Relations

Christians are pained by the racial injustices that are pervasive in our nation’s history.  Our hearts and prayers are with all who have faced racial discrimination and outright cruelty.  Forces of darkness seek to tear …

The Great Opportunity

What will the American church be like in 2050?  That question is explored in a 127-page research project funded by the Pinetops Foundation (  Their conclusion was shocking.  If present trends continue, over 40 million young …

The Importance of Reinvesting in Life-Together

A leading casualty of the pandemic has been the weakening of communal glue.  An important priority for renewal leaders is reinvesting in life-together. In early pandemic research, Barna has noted that 1 in 3 practicing …

Navigating Accelerated Changes

Recently, I heard someone say, “The pandemic hasn’t changed history, its accelerated history.”  Their observation was about society in general, but it’s also true for the church.  The change churches are experiencing is something we …