As we bid farewell to 2024, now is a perfect time to reflect on the church renewal principles we discussed in this newsletter throughout the year. Below are some fresh ideas you might want to revisit …
Christmas Conversations
The holidays are a mixed bag for many people. Everyone enjoys a few days off from work (unless you are in retail and the holidays run you ragged). Most also enjoy the Christmas parties and …
Pixar’s Principles For Preaching
Each Christmas morning, my family had a fun tradition — gathering around the tree to retell the Christmas story. Mom didn’t share the “stats” of the shepherds, and Dad didn’t detail the “data” of the donkeys. No, …
A Different Paradigm to Explain Church Decline
What lies behind the dramatic decline we’ve seen in churches lately? It turns out that some of the most common reasons we’ve given may not be the best explanation. Today, we’ll examine insights from Samuel Perry’s book, …
Great Expectations: Mobilizing Every Member For Ministry
What role do laypeople play in your church? Are they spectators who expect to be served by the paid staff? Are they critics who will lash out if programs do not meet their expectations? Or are …
Great Expectations: Growing a Staff Of Leaders, Not Doers
Staffing plays a pivotal role in church renewal, but are your staff members clear about their roles? Do different team members have varying assumptions about how the church staff works? Do staff members have different …
Great Expectations: The Role of the Council in Church Renewal
What role does the governing board play in your church, and is it the right role? Do your church’s elders and deacons have clarity around expectations? Or does each one have a different idea about what they …
Great Expectations: The Gift of Clarity Around Pastoral Roles
As a church grows, the roles played by the staff, the council, the laity, the visioning team, and the pastor must shift appropriately. In a new series of newsletter articles beginning today, I’ll tackle each …
The Big Three and the Hidden One
Over the past five years of working on church renewal projects, I’ve discerned that most congregations face the “Big Three” and the “Hidden One.” Some of us who are older may remember when GM, Ford, …
How To Find Fresh Ideas
Have you ever made a copy of a copy? How about a copy of a copy of a copy? Over time, the copies begin looking blurrier and blurrier until you can barely tell what is written on …