Renewal Resolutions for 2021

The beginning of a new year provides renewal leaders an opportunity to think strategically about investments for the coming year.  This is particularly important given the anticipated emergence from a season of extraordinary challenge for …

Important Lessons for Churches on the Edge

Life is changing for the North American church.  For decades the church held a position of privilege in society.  That position is eroding.  The church is presently on an early journey from center to circumference. …

Christmas and Renewal Balance

God created humans so they find change pleasurable.  That’s what C.S. Lewis highlights in his SCREWTAPE LETTERS (see Letter 25). But God didn’t want change to become an end in itself, says Lewis, so he …

How To Keep Congregational Waters Sweet

In Exodus 15:23 we read. “When Israel came to Marah, they could not drink the water because it was bitter.”  It’s hard to imagine the disappointment of God’s parched people arriving at the Marah oasis …

How To Keep On Keeping On

Leading renewal is hard.  It demands leading change when change is resisted.  It means working hard for those who will under-appreciate the investment.  Renewal leaders have to fight for unpopular causes, speak unpopular truth and …

Renewal Begins With Abiding

What launches renewal in a congregation?  Jesus said fruitfulness is connected to abiding.  In John 15:5 he told his disciples, “I am the vine; you are the branches.  If you remain [“menon” = “remain”, “abide”, …

Considerations When Discussing In-Person Worship

Here we go again!  COVID-19 is skyrocketing.  Churches are again deciding whether they will go fully virtual rather than risk the health of their communities.   Most likely this challenge will continue for the next several …

Fresh Starting With Gideon-Sized Congregations

The Gideon story from Judges 6-8 is among the best-loved Old Testament narratives.  After years of Midianite intimidation that has driven Israel into caves, God raises up an unlikely leader to beat back the oppressor.  …

What Next? Renewal Thoughts After the Election

What next?  That was the question my brother Larry [Rev. Larry Doornbos of Vibrant Congregations] and I asked a group of church leaders throughout a post-election debrief.  During the Zoom gathering participants collectively affirmed that …

Reaching our Full Redemptive Potential

The Center for Church Renewal is committed to helping churches live up to their full redemptive potential.  To arrive at that goal, every member must contribute their own time, treasure and talents to the accomplishment …