Renewal and First Love

Zeal is essential for church renewal.  Without Zeal, ministry becomes duty without joy.  In Christ’s letter to the Ephesians (Rev. 2:1-7) we discover a congregation that lost her zeal while retaining diligence.  Christ commends the …

Post-Christian Renewal Strategies

Tim Keller penned the following words in a March 12, 2020 CHRISTIAN LIVING article entitled, “How to Reach the West (Again).” He wrote: “We are entering a new era in which there is not only …

The ABCs of Hospitality

I heard a business consultant once say, “Your frontline produces your bottom line.” In other words, if your employees who daily interface with your customers don’t understand or advance your mission, all is lost.  Similarly, …

Shaping A Post-COVID Identity

A lyric from the musical RAGTIME declares “We can never go back to before.”  Those words will likely ring true for post-COVID congregations.  We cannot return to what was. That reality promises to leave some …

Church Buildings Rethought

A generation ago children were taught to revere church buildings as sacred spaces.  Many parents admonished their kids, “Don’t run in church, this is God’s house.”  Today church buildings are viewed more through the lens …

Spiritual Renewal Lessons From Eugene Peterson

Last week I read Winn Collier’s new book ‘Burning in My Bones: The Authorized Biography of Eugene Peterson.”  It is a wonderful book about a Godly man.  Eugene’s life was all about spiritual growth, formation …

10 Things I Never Asked Someone Else To Do For Me

Every renewal leader knows that delegating creates a thriving ministry.  High impact mission depends on training, empowering and releasing members for ministry as described in Ephesians 4.  Congregations that are living up to their full …

Renewal and Resurrection Hope

“It’s Friday But Sunday’s Comin!”  is the title of one of my favorite messages preached years ago by social justice advocate, Tony Campolo.  During Holy Week 2021 I’m again reminded, as his message pointed out, …

How To Increase Imagination in Ministry

Someone once said that churches fail for lack of nerve.  In other words, churches fail for the lack of courage to change failing things. This is true, but I’d add that churches also fail for …