Renewal and Connecting with Gen Z

“We’re losing our kids!”  That’s the number one concern expressed by most renewal leaders.  The societal trend among the 35 and younger crowd is to abandon religious affiliation all together (1 in 3 are counted …

Renewal and Connecting With Real People

This week the Center for Church Renewal launches a Doctor of Ministry Degree (offered through Western Theological Seminary) entitled “Church Renewal in the North American Context.” As we begin, we will discuss, CENTER CHURCH by …

Church Renewal and Church Planters

Church renewal and church planting have long been considered separate disciplines with their own skill sets leading to success.  Increasingly, however, church leadership observers are noting that the fundamental skills for planting and renewal are …

Renewal In A Phygital World

Much is being written about the rapidly emerging phygital world.  Phygital, as the name implies, is the blending of the physical and digital experiences.  Think, for example, of in-person dining where a QR code uploads …

Renewal In A Post-Programmed World

In renewal circles much has been discussed about the transition to a new post-modern, post-churched, post-institutional, and post-Christian era.  Less discussed is a transition to a post-programmed world that is being hastened by the pandemic.  …

A Renewal Experiment: Messy Church

Three years ago, our youth pastor brought us an idea: Messy Church. It is a movement that started in England that uses all generations to reach children for Christ. Each Messy Church gathering lasts around …

Renewal And Beginning With ‘One-Thing’

Many renewal leaders are looking for ways to emerge from the confines of COVID-19.  This emergence has proven difficult for many (not all) congregations given the uncertainties of the pandemic, a lackluster return to in-person …

Engaging Young Families

In a recent conversation, a local pastor lamented the lack of young families participating in congregational life.  I noted that engaging 25 to 40-year-olds (the Millennial generation) is a near universal challenge.  Millennials are less …

Renewal Structures For A Post-COVID World

Those familiar with biology understand the distinction between exoskeletons and endoskeletons. The former is a rigid external skeleton (think lobster). The latter is a flexible internal skeleton (think yourself). Exoskeletons provide excellent protection but limited …