Is VBS Worth the Investment?

Even though snow is still on the ground in many places, it is the perfect time of year to begin planning for summer ministries. Many churches that had traditionally offered Vacation Bible School are now …

The Power of Storytelling in Church Renewal

The Super Bowl is an annual reminder of the power of good storytelling. Many football fans watch the ads just as closely as the big game itself because everyone loves a creative and entertaining story. …

Gospel-Centered Preaching for Renewal

Mission drift is a silent killer. Long before most churches close their doors, they had been subtly, slowly, and almost imperceptibly drifting away from their purpose. A key task for church renewal leaders is stopping …

Navigating Change in Church Renewal

Change is scary, but not changing is even scarier. Just ask Kodak or Blockbuster. Improvement requires change, so if you never change, you can never improve. This is true at camera companies, movie rental companies, …

Renewal and Downsizing Well

Most North American churches need downsizing.  Lifeway Research (see here) notes that today’s median worship attendance is 65, down from 137 in 2000.  This downsizing trend has been accelerated by three factors: a cultural shift …

Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

What do you love? What does your congregation love? These are essential questions to dig into because St. Augustine states, “Wherever I am carried, my love is carrying me.” Putting it another way, our congregations …

Human Sexuality Conversations and Church Renewal

Essential to church renewal is congregational health.  Without healthy relationships revitalization is impossible.  Sadly, many congregations needing a fresh start are mired in unhealthy dialogue about same sex attraction, gender identity and Christian discipleship.  These …