Mission drift is a silent killer. Long before most churches close their doors, they had been subtly, slowly, and almost imperceptibly drifting away from their purpose. A key task for church renewal leaders is stopping …
Navigating Change in Church Renewal
Change is scary, but not changing is even scarier. Just ask Kodak or Blockbuster. Improvement requires change, so if you never change, you can never improve. This is true at camera companies, movie rental companies, …
How Better Communication Can Fuel Church Renewal
Church renewal hinges on good communication. Surveys have found that 83% of people choose a church home because of the quality of the sermons. It is consistently the top reason people say they select one church over …
Resolutions For People Who Don’t Make Resolutions
If you’re like me, at some point you have set wildly ambitious goals for a new year… only to watch them fall apart within a few weeks. Maybe you’ve been through that cycle a few times. …
Incarnational Ministry In 2023
Every Christmas, we celebrate the miracle of the incarnation. During this season, we preach about how Jesus humbly became human so that we could know who God is and so that he could pay the …
Church Renewal Jazz
Before serving as a lead pastor, I spent more than a decade leading worship ministries. Many of the lessons I learned as a worship pastor have applied directly to my ministry today. In fact, I’ve …
Unlocking the Power of Gratitude
The table could barely hold all the food — turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls, gravy, green beans, and pumpkin pie. Mom sat the last plate at the table and called everyone to the dining …
One Simple Key to Church Renewal and Spiritual Growth
If you’re going to revitalize a church, a top priority is growing spiritual mature leaders. The question is: What causes people to grow in their faith? A survey of more than 1,000 churches asked and …
6 Ways to Stay Sane During Renewal
A recent survey by the Barna Group found that 29% of pastors had given “real, serious consideration to quitting being in full-time ministry within the last year.” I’ve found this percentage to be pretty accurate …