Assessment Opportunities
What we doAssessments are measurement tools used to gain greater clarity of your current situation. They help us identify critical issues and deviations from accepted patterns and behavior. Assessments reflect a posture of discovery and learning. Each assessment tool has a specific purpose and surfaces specific information. We will coach you through processing the information and integrating the insights. We use assessments to inform the coaching interaction and move the dialogue deeper, with greater potential for breakthrough.

Congregational Assessment
Discover the health of your church by taking a 35 multiple choice assessment. (It's free.)Birkman Pastoral Assessment Tool
This assessment helps pastors identify their capacity to lead a renewal process.Church Vitality Tool
This helps churches measure the missional impact they are having.TRAC360 Assessment
TRAC assesses your current situation and compares it against research of leaders who finished well.The pastoral assessment tool combines the insights gained through the Birkman Assessment Tool and the research of Lavern Brown, Gordon Penfold, Gary Westra in PASTOR UNIQUE which identifies seven statistically significant differences that are found with turn-around pastors. The survey provides a clear path to discuss ways to improve capacity as a change leader.
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This helps churches measure three critical elements of a congregation's missional vitality. The first element is the number of persons transferring into the life of the congregation from outside its denomination or affiliation. This element measures the congregation's hospitality. The second element are the number of children baptized or dedicated into the life of the congregation. This element measures the congregation's capacity to reach the next generation. The third element is the number of persons coming into the life of the congregation through evangelism. This element measures the congregation's capacity for gospel-telling and relationship building. When all three elements are totaled on an annual basis a church vitality score emerges.
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TRAC helps identify where you are in your development and formulate a personalized plan that allows you to better run the race set before you. TRAC assesses your current situation and compares it against research of leaders who finished well. Through assessment and coaching we seek to identify a leaders' core struggle, discover what's causing your current impasse, and take responsibility for your own development.
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