Serving Leaders Who Renew Churches


Provide North American church leaders the tools and training necessary for increased Gospel impact in a rapidly changing world.


To develop intentional missional congregations that make more and better disciples who transform lives and communities for Christ.


Leadership focused. Gospel-centered. Passionately committed to making more and better disciples. Culturally aware. Hope-filled. Servant-oriented.

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Quick Overview

What makes the Center for Church Renewal unique?

As we spend more time talking to pastors and church leaders and offering our services, we have come to see the work we do is unique. There are a host of consultants out there and even more resources for churches. What makes the Center for Church Renewal unique? Here’s what we think stands out:

Personal Experience

Our team of leaders at the Center for Church Renewal do not approach church renewal from an academic or consultant perspective. We have all been in the trenches of church renewal. We do this work because we are passionate about helping the local church. God has used us to bring various levels of renewal in a variety of contexts and we want to see renewal happen in every local church.

It’s Not About the Money

The services we offer, the time we invest, and the resources given to churches, compared to the money we ask churches to invest is significantly disproportionate. In other words, you get a lot for your money! Our founder set the tone from the very beginning of this ministry. It is and always will be about serving the local church.


Churches can go to denominational agencies or other consultants and find specific training in areas like spiritual formation for renewal, strategic planning, evangelism, discipleship, assessment, and a whole host of important pieces of the puzzle. And that is great. However, at CCR we believe that all these elements work together over time. We offer a two-year journey towards renewal and we equip leaders in all the areas that are essential for renewal.

Denominationally Connected but not Bound

We are thankful for our relationship and connection to the Christian Reformed Church in North America and the Reformed Church in America. Serving the churches of our denominations is central to our ministry. However, being a separate entity, apart from the denomination, allows us to color outside the lines. We can creatively serve the churches with experimentation and innovation. It also allows us to serve churches outside our denominations.


This is not about filling a position or sustaining a ministry for our team. It is about relationships with people. Our relationships have led to new avenues for renewal. The Renewal Legacy Project was developed to serve churches desiring to complete and bless. A Doctor of Ministry in Church Renewal was developed for leaders desiring to wrestle with the challenges of renewal. Relationships gave us life and those same relationships move us forward.


Ultimately, our desire is to be a part of a movement of renewal. We pray that the cohorts in our Renewal Lab, More and Better Disciples Conference, and Doctor of Ministry program will lead to networks of renewal leaders that will generate a movement of renewal. We are keenly aware of the decline of the church in our culture and we are actively doing all we can to reverse the trend. Our weekly publication of “Fresh Ideas” is a great way you can connect with the movement of renewal.

Reformed and Reforming

Beware of consultants who come to you with a binder filled with “answers” that were developed ten years ago. The principles we teach are grounded in the orthodoxy of the historic Christian church but the practices we teach change and adapt from year to year. The Renewal Lab of five years ago is not the Renewal Lab of today. We are constantly learning and adapting our material to a changing landscape.

No Cookie Cutters

In that same vein, we don’t come to churches with the answers to all of their problems. We come alongside churches to equip them with the tools to answer the questions that only they, guided by the Holy Spirit, can answer for their context.
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The Story of the Center for Church Renewal.

Our Creative Team

Kris Vos

Executive Leader

Keith Doornbos

Church Renew Legacy Champion

Scott Vander Ploeg

Administrative Champion

Bernita Tuinenga

Departmental Coaching Champion

Brian Bosscher

222Disciple Champion

Bob Crow

Resource Champion

Pete Armstrong

Departmental Coaching Champion

Jon Bosma

Next Generation Champion

Our Partners

The Church Renewal Lab partners with many different people and organizations in order to assist you through your renewal journey. With these connections we hope to continue to further God’s kingdom through the Church Renewal Lab.