Written by Keith Doornbos
April 21, 2020

Revitalization leaders know that catching waves are as important as making plans. Catching a wave is about embracing Holy Spirit opportunities that are consistent with mission. Those opportunities show up in a variety of ways. Sometimes they are invitations to join others in ministry. Sometimes they are needs that a congregation feels compelled to address. Sometimes they are ideas that fire imagination. Sometimes they are nudges in the hearts of Jesus followers. And sometimes they are convictions that cannot be ignored.
These ministry waves are full of Holy Spirit potential. They can revitalize ministry from the inside out. When churches courageously ride a Spirit provided wave, they often know the thrill of being part of something larger than themselves. But just as surfers must look behind them for incoming waves and paddle in the direction of those waves so also renewal focused congregations must look for Holy Spirit opportunities and commit to move in their direction even though they come with some risk.
Here are 5 Holy Spirit wave catching commitments:
Commitment 1: Pray Continually
In the Bible, most Holy Spirit waves show up when God’s people pray. The Holy Spirit’s work on Pentecost, for example, emerged from a prayer meeting. The more we pray the more waves we can expect to see.
Commitment 2: Discern Carefully
Not every opportunity is meant to be embraced. Holy Spirit intuition must be nurtured through spending time in the Word, listening to the community and trusting sanctified intuition. Be okay with saying “no.”
Commitment 3: Believe Expansively
The Bible promises that God is able to do far more than we think or imagine. It takes courage to believe that there are resources available beyond what is immediately apparent. When God calls, he provides.
Commitment 4: Act Courageously
God’s word to Joshua was to be bold and very courageous as he leads Israel to the promised land. The lack of courage is often the one thing that keeps congregations from catching waves. Choose to live boldly!
Commitment 5: Commit Responsibly
Just as surfers are willing to leave waves if those waves don’t live up to their promise or become too demanding for the skill of the surfer so also churches must be willing to leave waves when the Holy Spirit nudges them to do so. Early commitments don’t have to be eternal commitments. Be wise!
Presbyterian Reformed Ministries International provides helpful instruction on discerning and cooperating with the Holy Spirit. Their book GROWING THE CHURCH IN THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, the Dunamis Project and the “Growing the Church in the Power of the Holy Spirit” seminar have been helpful to many leaders and congregations. More information is available at Presbyterian Reformed Ministries International
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